
Individual Teletherapy (Available in Spanish)

50 min. session weekly or bi-weekly

$120 per session


Workshops or speaking engagements which provide education and resources on a specific topic.

Topics available:

  • Trauma- informed care 101 & 102

  • Trauma- informed care within faith-based communities

  • Domestic Violence 101

  • The negative impact of sexual abuse

Starting at $250 per hour


Emotional Health and Spirituality I (English and Spanish Sessions Available)

This three-session course will provide a thorough explanation of the nature of emotions, the connection between our nervous system and emotions, and lastly, it will teach various ways to cope with our God-given emotions from a trauma-informed, Biblical perspective.

For more information, please contact me.

Good Faith Estimate

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” (GFE) explaining how much your medical and mental health care will cost.

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the expected charges for medical services, including psychotherapy services.

You have the right to receive a GFE for the total expected cost of any non-emergency healthcare services, including psychotherapy services.

You can ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a GFE before you schedule a service.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit